Revision 2d429a40e0bd4440921c7e12d28723c13c110a62 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from beginning to 2d429a40e0bd4440921c7e12d28723c13c110a62

 \begin{block}{Financial support highly appreciated:}
 CTU RVO68407700, SGS22/175/OHK4/3T/14,EUROFUSION \& MEYS cofund.
 \begin{block}{Students, teachers, technicians (random order):}
   \item[Honorary] Vladimír Fuchs, {\bf Ondřej Grover}, Tomáš Odstrčil, Gergo Pokol,  {\bf Gabriel Vondrášek}, {\bf Jan Stockel}, {\bf Jan Mlynář}, Tomáš Markovič
   \item[currently] {\bf Martin Himmel}, {\bf Petr Mácha}, Filip Papoušek, Jan Buryanec, {\bf Daniela Kropáčková}, Jarda Zajac, Jana Brotánková, Lukáš Lobko, {\bf Marek Tunkl}, Jakub Chlum, Sara Abbasi, Matyáš Pokorný, Štepán Malec, Kateřina Jiráková, Jaroslav Čeřovský.