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title: Petiprobe
author: Ing. Kateřina Jiráková
This page was last updated on 18 April 2019.
The petiprobe is a combined probe, assembled on tokamak GOLEM in April 2019. It consists of the [double tunnel probe](/Diagnostic]s/ParticleFlux/TunnelProbe/index) and the [combined ball-pen and Langmuir probe](/Diagnostics/ParticleFlux/BallPenProbe/index). Its name was directly translated from Czech, where it's called "pětisonda" ("five-fold probe"), referring to its five measurements: Langmuir probe, ballpen probe, two tunnel probes and a Mach probe formed by the tunnel probe back plates. Measurements and reports to come soon.
More photos may be found in [this folder](/Diagnostics/ParticleFlux/PetiProbe/PG/0419PM/).
# Experiments
The petiprobe was used during the Week of Science (Týden vědy na Jaderce) to measure the profile of the plasma potential. The source code may be found [here](/Diagnostics/ParticleFlux/PetiProbe/miniproject_TV@J_source_code.py).