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# Langmuir probe VA characteristics measurement of the standard GOLEM tokamak plasma
Aim: to measure VA characteristics on the shot to shot basis.
##Experimental setup
[Rake probe description](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/Diagnostics/ParticleFlux/RakeProbe/index)
###Initial configuration:
* Date: Afternoon 261114
* LP position of 1st pin from the vessel center $LP_{pos}=107$ mm,
* $V_{bias}$ off,
* $R=100$ Ohm:
* LP orientation: pins ahead SouthEast (in the port direction), i.e. probe is oriented perpendicularly to the magnetic field lines
* Discharge setup: --UBt 800 --Ucd 500 --Tcd 10000 --Tres 2000 --pressure 1 --preionization 4
* Preionization: ECR wave
* $V_{bias}$ measured with 1:100 divider
###Minutes of the experiment:
Aim | Shot(s) | Comments |
Reference shot | [#17717](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17717) | |
Switching on $V_{bias}$ to ~ 10V | [#17718](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17718) | OK, [$V_{bias}$ goes to ~0.1V](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17718/DAS/1011Papouch_St.ON/) |
Lp to position $LP_{pos}$ = 54 mm | [#17719](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17719) | [$I_{sat}$ too high ~ 100 mA](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17719/DAS/1011Papouch_St.ON/) |
Galvanic insulation implemented for V_bias power supply | [#17720](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17720) | Satisfactory, no problem |
Since $I_{sat}$ is too high, Let's decrease R to 50 Ohm | [#17721](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17721) | Better, but still $V_R$ ~9V |
Since $I_{sat}$ is still too high, Let's take out LP to position 68 mm | #17722 to #17726 fails | |
[#17727](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17727) OK | No effect, still $V_R$ ~9V | |
HS discussion: configuration OK reverse $V_{bias}$ polarity to -10 V to measure $I_{is}$ | #17728 to #17733 fails | |
[#17734](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17734) OK | [Hopefully good result](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17734/DAS/1011Papouch_St.ON/) | |
$V_{bias}$ = {-20,-30,-40} V | [#17735](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17735),[#17736](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17736),[#17737](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17737) | OK, ready for scan |
Scan $V_{bias}$ = {-40,-35,-30,-25,-20,-15,-10,-5,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12} V | From [#17739](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17739) to [#17762](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/17762) | see Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 |