\documentclass[]{article} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usepackage[]{czech} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{natbib} %\usepackage[czech]{babel} \topmargin -2cm \oddsidemargin -1.5cm \textheight 24cm \textwidth 18cm \def\bi{\begin{itemize}} \def\ei{\end{itemize}} \def\bd{\begin{description}} \def\ed{\end{description}} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth} \centering {\Huge \bf Curriculum vitae}\\ ~\\ \vspace{1cm} {\Large \bf Vojt\v ech Svoboda} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{0.2\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Hlava.jpg} \end{minipage} \end{center} \bd \item[Date of birth]March 11, 1967. \item[EDUCATION:]~ \bd \item[1985-1990] Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University Prague (FNSPE CTU Prague). \bi \item[-- 1988] 17th November Scholarship for an exceptional effort. \item[-- 1988] Czechoslovak Science-technology Society Award for the Thesis on Charged Coupled Devices. \ei \item[1990] Diploma thesis at the Department of Physical Electronics: "Diagnostic of laser plasma by the CCD camera". \item[2001] Ph.D. at the Institute of Plasma Physics:"Anomalous Diffusion of Ions in a $\bf E\times \bf B$ Time Dependent Fields". \ed \item[EXPERIENCE:]~ \bd \item[1991- ]Full Time Job at the Department of Physics, FNSPE CTU Prague: \bd \item[Teacher] of the basic physics courses: \bi \item 1991-2000 Mechanics. \item 1991-2000 Electricity and Magnetism. \item 1995-2005 Experimental laboratory. \ei \item[Educational Projects:]~ \bi \item 1997-2024 Physics seminar for undergraduate students http://fyzsem.fjfi.cvut.cz. \item 1999- Physics week for high school students http://tydenvedy.fjfi.cvut.cz. \item 2005- University of third age http://fyzu3v.fjfi.cvut.cz. \item 2005- Co-guarantor of educational specialization "The Physics and Technology of Thermonuclear Fusion"/"The Physics of Plasma and Thermonuclear Fusion" at the Czech Technical University http://physics.fjfi.cvut.cz/index.php/cs/studium/fptf . %\item 2006-2009 Tokamak CASTOR relocation. \item 2009- Chief engineer of the GOLEM tokamak for fusion education at the Czech Technical University, http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz. \ei \item[Supervision:]~ \bd \item[Bachelor project 2011] Jindřich Kocman: Feedback Plasma position control on the tokamak GOLEM. \item[Bachelor project 2014] Richard Duban: Plasma flow velocity measurements on the tokamak GOLEM using Mach probe array diagnostics. \item[Bachelor project 2014] Bořek Leitl: Bolometric diagnostics at the tokamak GOLEM \item[Bachelor project 2014] Martin Matušů: Virtual model of tokamak GOLEM with a real physical core. \item[Bachelor project 2018] Petr Mácha: Edge plasma parameter measurements of the GOLEM tokamak using ball-pen and Langmuir probe. \item[Master thesis 2015] Jindřich Kocman: Plasma position control on the tokamak GOLEM. \item[Master thesis 2019] Bořek Leitl: Tomographic reconstruction of plasma radiation profile at the tokamak GOLEM. \item[Master thesis 2020] Petr Mácha: Edge plasma studies in tokamaks by the mean of advanced electric probes. \item[PhD supervision 2022-] Ing. Marek Tunkl: Runaway electron interactions studies at the GOLEM tokamak. \item[PhD supervision 2022-] Ing. Lukáš Lobko: Runaway electron studies at the GOLEM tokamak. \item[PhD supervision 2023-] Ing. Štěpán Malec: Runaway electron studies at the GOLEM tokamak. \ed \item[Honours and awards:]~ \bi \item[2001] Czech Technical University Rector's appreciation for an exceptional effort. \item[2017] Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Dean's 2nd Class Medal for the Faculty development Merit. \ei \ed \item[1993-2005] Part time job at the Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences: \bd \item[1993-1995] Experimental activity on the Castor Tokamak. \item[1995-1999] Numerical modelling of particle transport in the $\bf E \times \bf B$ stationary field. \item[1999-2005]Anomalous diffusion in a time depending fields. %\item[2006-2008]Application of the Minimum Fisher Information inverse methods in the JET neutron cameras and compact spectrometers data analyses. \ed \ed %\newpage \item[GRANTS RECEIVED ](selection, as co-investigator): \bi %\item Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2002-2004: Anomalous diffusion of particles in low frequency plasma turbulence and in systems of magnetic islands. %\item Advancement program of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic 2004: University of the Third Age at the FNSPE CTU Prague. %\item Advancement program of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic 2006,2007: New education specialization at the FNSPE CTU Prague: "The Physics and Technology of Thermonuclear Fusion". %\item Advancement program of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic 2009: Tokamak GOLEM for fusion education. \item FUSENET 2008-2013: Fusion Education Network \item IAEA research contract F13019, ``Network of Small and Medium Size Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices for Fusion Research'', 2018-2022 \item Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague, grant No. SGS22/175/OHK4/3T/14, Research of the Magnetic Field Confinement in Tokamak \item GA18-02482S ``Radiation processes generated by runway electrons in tokamaks'', of the Czech Science Foundation \item EUROfusion "Joint Fusion Program" consortium 2014-2020. \item Horizon "Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium (EUROfusion)" 2021- \item Operational programs RDE CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16\_019/0000778: Centre of Advanced Applied Sciences 2018-2023. \item Scientific and Education Activities on the GOLEM Tokamak in the Framework of the IAEA CRP, national code: IAEA Research Contract No.22782. \item Laboratory of hot plasma and fusion technologies PlasmaLab@CTU, national code: EF16\_017/0002248. \item International Doctoral Program in High Temperature Plasma and Nuclear Fusion, national code: EF16\_018/0002247. \item Radiation processes generated by runaway electrons in tokamaks, national code: GA18-02482S. \ei %\newpage %\item[SPECIAL SKILLS] Computers: %\bi %\item Linux $\&$ windows based operating systems. %\item Mathematica, C, Latex, html, xslt transformations, parallel programming. %\ei \item[PERSONALS:]~ \bi \item Divorced, daughter Barbora, sons Jakub and \v Simon. \item Hobby: culture, violin, viola, guitar, sport, tourism, dance. \ei \item[Scopus Metrics overview:]~ \bi \item 68 documents by author. \item 268 citations by 177 documents. \item 8 h-index. \ei \ed Prague, \today \begin{flushright} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{../../../VojSvSign.jpg} \end{flushright} \end{document}