Revision 08b888b3750ac72f6cd0f30a2092b14176b8e43a (click the page title to view the current version)
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\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\title{Mari\'{a}nsk\'a \year}
\author{Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda }
\slide{Golem \#17 - from \#43696 to \#47588}{
\FigSlide{Picture of the year}{1}{/Chronicle/PictureOfTheYear/2024.png}
\slide{Na úvod}{
\im Jednodenní autobus svodka roku života tokamaku GOLEM \#17
\im Šité horkou jehlou.
\im Vodu kážu (griluju), víno piju.
\FigSlide{South 01/\year}{0.9}{/Chronicle/PhotoGallery/South/0125.jpg}
\FigSlide{North 01/\year}{0.9}{/Chronicle/PhotoGallery/North/0125.jpg}
\FigSlide{Tokamak GOLEM dicharges from 2009 }{0.9}{/Chronicle/Inventory/Discharges/0125.png}
\section{Current scientific topics}
\subsection{Runaway electrons oriented research}
\slide{RE diagnostics}{
\im M. Tunkl et al. 4 ECPD: Runaway Electron Hard X-ray Diagnostics at the GOLEM Tokamak: A Combined Experimental and Simulation Approach. PhD topis.
\im S. Malec at al. 4 ECPD: The Timepix3 semiconductor pixel detector as runaway electron diagnostics at the GOLEM tokamak. PhD topic.
\im L. Lobko et al. 4 ECPD: Direct detection of runaway electrons by in-vessel scintillation probe at the GOLEM tokamak. PhD topic.
\im \& Gergo Pokol
\FigSlideWithRefCapt{RE simulation 4 tG}{0.6}{/NumericalSimulations/HXRradiation/Geant4/Reports/Tunkl-2024-ECPP.png}{ Distribution of HXR radiation
generated from runaway electron interaction with the limiter simulated in Geant4.}{Tunkl,}{Vinklarek-2024-ECPP}
\subsection{Plasma edge studies}
\im Kryštof Nosek: Measurement of plasma potential dependence on discharge parameters in the GOLEM tokamak. MSc topic under P. Macha supervision.
\im Tomáš Březina: Fast ion temperature measurements on the GOLEM tokamak in different discharge regimes MSc topic under P. Macha supervision.
\im Transport barrier formation in He
\im Study of a transport barrier in GOLEM with probes. EMTRAIC under P. Macha supervision.
\im He discharges with transition on GOLEM Spectroscopic Study. EMTRAIC under V. Weinzettl and D. Naydenkova supervision.
\FigSlide{HW for fast ion temperature measurements}{0.9}{/Experiments/EdgePlasmaPhysics/Ion-temperature/PhotoGallery/20250120_084218.jpg}
\FigSlideWithCapt{He discharges with transition on GOLEM Spectroscopic Study}{1}{/Experiments/EdgePlasmaPhysics/HeTransportBarriers/reports/24EMTRAIC/Screenshot-EMTRAIC2024spectroscopyGOLEM-cameras.png}{Images from the fast cameras showing the color transition at different Ip values (left) and the corresponding RGB components (right).}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{He discharges with transition on GOLEM Spectroscopic Study}
\caption{Spectra before and after the color transition}
\FigSlide{Study of a transport barrier in GOLEM with probes - setup}{0.7}{/Diagnostics/ParticleFlux/LangBallpenProbe/Setup.png}
\FigSlideWithCapt{Study of a transport barrier in GOLEM with probes}{0.9}{/Experiments/EdgePlasmaPhysics/HeTransportBarriers/reports/24EMTRAIC/Screenshot-EMTRAIC2024ProbesGOLEM-TempGrad.png}{Evolution of the temperature gradient and radial E-field for $U_{cd} = 450$ V with a linear fit after transition.}
\FigSlideWithRefCapt{Plasma properties in the vicinity of the last closed flux surface in hydrogen and helium fusion plasma discharges}{1}{/Presentations/Journals/PPCF/Dimitrova-2024-Plasma_properties_vicinity_LCFS_hydrogen_helium_discharges/Fig3.png}{ Radial measurements of the electron temperature (a) and electron density (b) for hydrogen (blue) and helium (red) discharges}{}{Dimitrova-2024-PPCF}
\subsection{Magnetohydrodynamic studies}
\FigSlideWithRefCapt{New Set of Inner Magnetic Coils at the GOLEM Tokamak}{0.7}{/Experiments/MagnetoHydroDynamicStudies/Reports/Godsfavour-2024-MScThes/Fig7-12.png}{Time evolution of the energy confinement time evaluated from the thermal energy and the ohmic heating power.}{}{Bohous-2024-MastThes}
\FigSlide{Jakub Chlum \& Michal Odložilík (PRPL)}{1}{/TrainingCourses/Universities/}
\subsection{Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)}
\def\bopt{Tokamak přímo řízený Bayesovským optimalizátorem}
\slide{Automated Machine Learning @tG 2024}{
\im O. Ficker \& FYS 1 :\bopt
\im S. Abbasi et al.: Tommography \& Neural networks
\FigSlideWithRefCapt{Artificial Neural Network‐Based Tomography Reconstruction of Plasma
Radiation Distribution}{0.6}{/Presentations/Journals/JOFE/Abbasi-2024-NeuralNetworks/Fig4.png}{The phantom sample, the ANN prediction of radiation function and the corresponding backfit of line integrated measurements for three data samples }{}{Abbasi-2024-JOFE}
\GWslideTwoGraphics{The magnetic field measurements using the 3D MSL probe}{/Experiments/MagneticTopology/MagneticField/Kropackova-2024-PRPL/Reports/MSL_orientation.png}{Experiments/MagneticTopology/MagneticField/Kropackova-2024-PRPL/Reports/PhotoGallery/20240426_151149.jpg}
\FigSlideWithRefCapt{The magnetic field measurements using the 3D MSL probe}{0.6}{/Experiments/MagneticTopology/MagneticField/Kropackova-2024-PRPL/Reports/Kropackova-2024-ECPP.png}{ Radial components of the magnetic field}{Kropackova,}{Vinklarek-2024-ECPP}
\subsection{Plasma performance}
\FigSlide{The longest discharge in the tG history ($\mathrm{H}_2$ glow discharge)}{1}{/Chronicle/TOPs/t_plasma_duration/analysis/No45912-34ms-0824.png}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Working gas flow controller (Ufff)}
\FigSlide{Working gas flow controller}{1}{/Infrastructure/GasManagement/FlowControll/0125Result.jpg}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Plasma current stabilization (analog x switching mode amplifier)}
\FigSlide{Multi spectrometer}{1}{/Diagnostics/Radiation/Minispectrometer/Info/ScreenshotMultiHRs-setup.png}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Multi spectrometer}
\includegraphics[width=\tw]{/GW/Diagnostics/Radiation/Minispectrometer/Slides/Intro/Screenshot from 2025-01-20 16-26-15.png}
\includegraphics[width=\tw]{/GW/Diagnostics/Radiation/Minispectrometer/Slides/Intro/Screenshot from 2025-01-20 16-29-36.png}
%\includegraphics[width=\tw]{/GW/Diagnostics/Radiation/Minispectrometer/Slides/Intro/Screenshot from 2025-01-20 16-30-24.png}
\includegraphics[width=\tw]{/GW/Diagnostics/Radiation/Minispectrometer/Slides/Intro/Screenshot from 2025-01-20 16-30-35.png}
\FigSlide{New probe: double Ball pen \& Langmuir probe}{1}{/Diagnostics/ParticleFlux/DblLangBallpenProbe/PhotoGallery/Installation/PXL_20250108_150011693~2.jpg}
\FigSlide{New MHD feedthrough}{0.9}{/Diagnostics/Magnetic/MHDringThomas/PhotoGallery/0125.jpg}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Remote Bc. project: Catalina \& German Vogel}
\blok{\cite{Catalina-2024-BachProj}}{Estudios de optimización de confinamiento magnético de plasmas en tokamak {GOLEM}}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Remote Bc. project: Derap Pena Mukti Sari }
\blok{\cite{Sari-2024-BachProj}}{The Study of The Hydrogen Plasma Breakdown Phase in The GOLEM Tokamak Reactor}
\FigSlide{Middlebury Institute of International Studies, California, USA}{0.6}{/Chronicle/Trainings/25Monterey.jpeg}
\FigSlide{Hackathon 2024 Decin (tG: 2. a 3. místo)}{1}{/Events/Hackathon/24Decin/PhotoGallery/PXL_20241012_145358889.MP.jpg}
\slide{Plans I}{
\im Gergo Pokol
\im EDU infra: i) CAEN diagnostics 770 tis. Kč, ii) CCD camera-detector 980 tis. Kč, iii) Vysokorychlostní bipolární výkonové zesilovače 1.75 mil. Kč, iv) Manipulátor s rotačním a lineárním posuvem 436 tis. Kč. v) TMP vývěva 694 tis. Kč.
\im EPS - ECPP 'Tokamak GOLEM for fusion education, chapter 16' 7.-11. července. Vilnius, Litva. ??
\im German Vogel from Chile 4 spectroscopy?
\im David Engineering (High school students from USA)
\slide{Plans II}{
\im Plasma performance with Lithium coated chamber (H. Horacek \& H. Cecrdle)
\im Turbulence transport in Lithium (J. Adámek a spol.)
\im Transport barrier in He@tG \cite{Macha-2023-NuclFus} cont.
\im Vysoké cíle: doba plazmatu 100 ms a kadence 2 výboje do minuty.
\im Tokamak GOLEM dokumentační projekt s pomocí AI (na self hosted Overleaf)
\im PRPL Tomáš Plecháček MHDs, Václav Jakubský kalibrace sondy, Daniela Kropáčková Topologie magnetického pole, Jan Buryanec Energetická infrastruktura upgrade.
\im Mast. thesis: Jan Buryanec proudová stabilizace s AETechron.