#How to
- Basic Gitit help or Gitit getting started
- File upload: use menu button “Upload a file” in the left menu. Note: associated files should be uploaded with full path, e.g. if you want to upload a file “hello_world.gif” used for the wiki page “Production/HowTo/GolemWiki” plase use “Production/HowTo/hello_world.gif” within the Name on wiki, including extension: formular window.
##Photo Galeries
##Measurement reports
#Directory Strategy (optional composition) * dir HW * dir Sessions * dir Reports * dir ShowRoom * dir PhotoGallery * dir Misc * file Latex source codes for beamer slides: slidesdepot.tex (to be find in individual directories) * file Latex source codes for written presentations: documsdepot.tex (to be find in individual directories) * file Golem wiki page: